Social Media & Business

RewardStyle Hacks: Make More Sales on RewardStyle With These Proven Strategies

If you’re here, you already know that RewardStyle is an app that allows influencers and bloggers to monetize their social media accounts. I’m here to give you some rewardStyle hacks to increase your clicks and commissions. The app provides a streamlined way to search for products and generate links, but there are also several tips and tricks that can help you maximize your income and save time in the process. Not ready for all the hacks yet? Still just getting started on Check out my post on exactly how you can make money on (otherwise known as rewardStyle).

1. Use the app is the shopping app that is owned by RewardStyle. This is the user app, so this is what all of your followers are using. This is the first rewardStyle hack that started making me more sales personally. You can see my personal profile here. When you know what they’re looking at, it’s easier to direct them through the process to make the sale smoother. The goal is to help your followers shop their favorite looks directly from the app, making you more money. The less clicks they have to go through, the less website and app changing they have to do, the more likely they are to buy. Think of it from a consumer’s perspective. If you’re constantly being forwarded around, jumping through hoops to purchase something, how likely are you to actually buy it? Me? Not so likely.

2. Use the “Link Ninja” browser extension

The Link Ninja browser extension is a handy tool that can help you generate affiliate links quickly and easily. It’s going to streamline the process for you and make sharing links a lot easier, therefore you’ll share more often, increasing your sales. It works with many popular retailers, including Nordstrom, Sephora, and Amazon, as well as some of your favorite smaller boutiques. You can automatically generate an affiliate link when you visit their websites in the linkninja window. This means that you don’t have to manually create links for each product you want to promote, saving you so much time.

3. Optimize your blog posts for SEO

RewardStyle hack number three is all-encompassing! Search engine optimization (SEO) can help you drive more traffic to your blog and increase your commissions. This is easier said than done and can feel very overwhelming, but it’s worth it. Every single blog post you put up should have some type of shoppable links. That way when one of your posts does hit the first page of Google, you have a way to capitalize on that! By optimizing your blog posts for keywords that are relevant to the products you are linking, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract more buyers, meaning higher commissions. Make sure to include product links in your posts and use descriptive anchor text to improve the visibility of those affiliate links.

4. Use the “Shop the Post” tool

The Shop the Post tool is another handy feature of the RewardStyle app. It allows you to create a customized widget that displays several products in a scrollable box (like below). This RewardStyle hack can be a great way to showcase multiple items at once and increase your chances of making a sale. You can also customize the size and layout of the widget to fit your website or social media platform. Here is a Shop the Post of my favorite influencer work from home necessities.

5. Collaboration is My Favorite RewardStyle Hack

Collaborating with other influencers in your niche and similar niches can help you reach a wider audience and increase your earnings. You can work together to promote each other’s products or create a joint campaign that highlights a specific brand or product. By pooling your resources and leveraging each other’s audiences, you can create a more powerful marketing message and generate more sales. You’ve probably seen other creators do a “Share Week” where they are each featured one day of the week and the other creators involved send their audience to the featured creator’s profile for the day. This is a great rewardStyle hack to get more eyeballs in your links.

6. Use analytics to track your performance

Analytics are essential for understanding how your marketing efforts are performing and identifying areas for improvement. The RewardStyle app provides detailed analytics that can help you track your clicks, conversions, and earnings. By analyzing this data, you can identify which products are performing well and which ones need more promotion. You can also use analytics to track the performance of specific campaigns or social media platforms.

7. Keep your content fresh and engaging

The final RewardStyle Hack: it’s important to keep your content fresh and engaging to attract and retain your audience. Make sure to mix up your content with a variety of posts, including product reviews, tutorials, and lifestyle content. Use high-quality images and videos to showcase the products you are promoting and provide value to your followers.

In conclusion, the RewardStyle app offers several powerful tools and features that can help influencers and bloggers maximize their earnings and save time. By using these hacks and optimizing your marketing efforts, you can increase your sales and grow your audience. Whether you’re a seasoned influencer or just starting out, these tips can help you take your marketing game to the next level.


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