Lifestyle & Wellness

How to Avoid Hidden Hormone Disrupters in Your Personal Care Products

In our daily routines, we, as women use so many personal care products. This includes shampoo, soap, lotion, hair spray, make up, all of the above. Most times, we don’t give the ingredients much thought as long as that particular product is working for us. However, what many of us may not realize is that these products can contain a lot of hormone disrupters that can have harmful effects on our health. In this blog post, we will explore the harms of hormone disrupters in personal care products. I’ll also teach you how to avoid those hidden things without ditching your entire make up/personal care routine.

What are hormone disrupters?

Hormone disrupters, also known as endocrine disruptors, are chemicals that can interfere with the normal functioning of our hormones. Hormones are essential for regulating various bodily processes. This includes growth, development, metabolism, and reproductive functions. When endocrine disrupters enter our bodies, they can mimic, block, or interfere with the natural hormones in our bodies, leading to a range of health problems.

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Where are hormone disrupters found?

Hormone disrupters can be found in a wide range of products, including personal care products such as shampoo, soap, lotion, and cosmetics. They can also be found in food packaging, pesticides, and household products such as cleaning supplies. Basically anything that’s “smelly” has the potential to be harmful, so I’m going to show you exactly how to avoid hormone disrupters to keep your hormones on the right track.

What are the harms of hormone disrupters?

Hormone disrupters have been linked to a range of health problems, including:

  1. Reproductive problems: Hormone disrupters can not only interfere with the development of the reproductive system, but it can also impair your day to day production of necessary hormones. This can lead to annoyances like headaches, period cramps, bloating, hormonal acne, and more. But it can also lead to extreme things such as infertility, reduced sperm quality, and other reproductive problems.
  2. Cognitive problems: Hormone disrupters can interfere with the development of the feel good hormones in the brain and nervous system, leading to behavioral problems, learning disabilities, and developmental delays. Think of things like Alzheimers and dementia here. Healthy hormone and blood sugar balance can help you avoid or delay these ailments that affect so many women.
  3. Cancer: Hormone disrupters have been linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, prostate, and testicular cancer.
  4. Obesity: They can interfere with the normal functioning of our metabolism, leading to weight gain and obesity. Think of things like high cortisol and insulin resistance here. Your hormones have a lot to say about how much you weigh.
  5. Diabetes: Hormone disrupters have been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

What can you do to protect yourself?

To reduce your exposure to hormone disrupters, consider the following tips:

  1. Read labels: Look for products that are free of hormone disrupters, such as phthalates, parabens, and triclosan. Look for products that are labeled “paraben-free” or “phthalate-free.”
  2. Use natural products: Consider using natural and organic personal care products that do not contain synthetic chemicals.
  3. Avoid fragrances: Like I said, my guide on how to avoid hormone disrupters always includes avoiding “smelly” products. Fragrances in personal care products can contain hormone disrupters, so look for products that are fragrance-free.
  4. Choose glass or stainless steel containers: Many endocrine disrupters can leach from plastic containers, so choose glass or stainless steel containers for food and beverage storage (especially if you plan to heat the food in the container).
  5. Filter your water: Hormone disrupters can be found in drinking water, so consider using a water filter that can remove these chemicals. See the pubmed peer reviewed study here about what’s in your tap water.

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In conclusion, hormone disrupters in personal care products can have harmful effects on our health. To protect yourself, use natural products, avoid fragrances, choose glass or stainless steel containers, and filter your water. By taking these steps, you can reduce your exposure to hormone disrupters and promote a healthier lifestyle.

How to Avoid Hidden Hormone Disrupters in Your Personal Care Products


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