When I saw those two pink lines for baby number three, I knew that this time around I was going to be on team green. That means I was going to need an adorable gender neutral nursery that I would be able to add feminine or masculine touches to as soon as I knew the gender! I compiled this list of gender neutral themes for your nursery while I was doing my research. Knowing that we weren’t going to find out the gender on any of my ultrasounds was so hard, but so worth it!! My Gender Neutral Nursery Neutral nurseries aren’t only for people who are staying on “team…
25 Important Questions to Ask Daycare Tour Providers
So you’re ready to sign your kiddos up for daycare. Exciting, but also stressful! It can feel overwhelming trying to decide which daycare is right for your family, but these questions should help you find out whether or not a daycare is a good fit. Make the time to visit many different options and don’t settle for anything below your standards. If possible, see if you can ask these questions to both daycare workers and parents – sometimes their answers will differ. Keep reading for the ultimate list of questions to ask at your daycare interview. The Basic Questions For Your Potential Provider What’s included in tuition? What do you…
10 Easy Tips for Healthy Pregnancy and Baby
If you’re choosing to go the holistic route, the journey through pregnancy & motherhood can feel isolating. It can feel like everyone else is going the traditional medicine route and you’re all alone! I’m here to tell you don’t worry – you’re not alone. There are so many people who choose to live a more natural lifestyle and you can find them right here on the internet! I’m going to guide you through everything you need to know for healthy pregnancy including healthy pregnancy snacks, vitamins and supplements and where to find community. These tips aren’t only for when you’re pregnant, however: use them into breastfeeding & motherhood to continue…
Easy Outdoor Activities for Kids to Help Reduce Screen Time
Help your kids spend less time connected to technology and more time outdoors with these kids outdoor activities. This will inarguably positively impact their lives in so many ways. A 2014 study found that reducing screen time for children resulted in more sleep, better grades, lower BMIs, and less aggressive behavior in their lives. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports children today spend an average of seven hours per day on electronic devices. Seven hours per day? That’s almost a full school day! I don’t know about you, but that sounds like way too much time for my kids to be online. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes screen time can…
Prenatal Vitamins & Supplements You Need For a Healthy Pregnancy
When I got pregnant with my first baby, all the horror stories started to roll in. Other moms were saying things like “my labor was 50 hours long” or “I was so uncomfortable, wait until your belly gets huge.” I do not want to ever be that mom! I want to encourage you that you can have a happy, comfortable (for the most part) pregnancy & delivery, and I’m going to share the midwife-recommended pregnancy supplements that have helped me get through it all. I’m going to share each of the supplements that my midwives have recommended over all three of my pregnancies & things I’ve picked up along the…
Avocado Toast Recipe: How To Make The Best Avocado Toast
If your’e looking for a healthy avocado toast recipe, but sick of the same old same old, this is for you! Because we lived in San Diego for 3 years and we actually even had an avocado tree in our front yard, we ate a lot of avocado toast. This recipe has been perfected & leveled up time and time again until we landed on this recipe. The Base We have been eating all the variations of avocado toast and I’ve been getting creative! I feel like I’ve come up with the perfect combo that always leaves you feeling full and like you’ve eaten a good meal. Avocado toast used…
How to Make Solé Water for Health and Wellness
A little back story for you: after I had Grayson, I had some intense postpartum anxiety until I learned how to make sole water and all of its health benefits for balancing hormones and adrenal glands. Also because I was a tired mom, I went back to drinking coffee each morning and that’s where it all went downhill. I started to notice that my daily coffee made my anxiety so much worse and my stress level went through the roof (both physical and emotional stress). So I had to make a change! I still needed that extra little boost of energy because HELLO MOM LIFE and my sole water in…
How to Organize Clothes for a Picky Toddler
We have officially entered the 3 going on 13 stage of toddler-hood and this little girl absolutely loves clothes! She loves shopping for them, picking them out, making outfits, changing outfits, re-changing outfits, and of course dressing like a princess. What she really wants is real make up and nail polish, but I said no on those, so we compromised on always letting her pick out her own clothes. This only became a problem when she started coming down the stairs in absolutely insane outfits that she knew didn’t match, but she wasn’t sure why they didn’t go together. So we made a plan! And it has really been working…
Mother’s Day Gift Guide
I’m sharing some of my favorite gifts for mom that I’ve compiled, ranging from $20-80. You could always send flowers, but how about something that won’t wilt and die this year? Ok that sounded morbid and I guarantee she’d love flowers, but why not change it up!
Boho Nursery Inspiration: Easy Gender Neutral Nursery Guide
Grayson’s nursery is one of my favorite rooms in the whole house, so I’m surprised that it took me this long to write about it! It’s so peaceful and calming. I looked at lots of baby boy nursery inspiration and ideas. When I didn’t find anything I really loved, I knew I had to create a boho nursery with safari details so I could inspire others! I love the green accent wall and the black and white boho vibes, all the plants (even if they are fake haha), everything about it screams boho safari to me. I knew I wanted to do something with a kind of adventure boho vibe,…