We have officially entered the 3 going on 13 stage of toddler-hood and this little girl absolutely loves clothes! She loves shopping for them, picking them out, making outfits, changing outfits, re-changing outfits, and of course dressing like a princess.

What she really wants is real make up and nail polish, but I said no on those, so we compromised on always letting her pick out her own clothes. This only became a problem when she started coming down the stairs in absolutely insane outfits that she knew didn’t match, but she wasn’t sure why they didn’t go together.
So we made a plan! And it has really been working for us! You have to realize that she can dress herself, like she can put all her own clothes on. There are certain items that she struggles with, but she WILL NOT ask for help without throwing a fit, so I leave those items out. In the future, I won’t buy anything she can’t put on herself.

Here’s our system!
What you’ll need:
1) Gallon size plastic bags
2) Time and patience
We took about 30 minutes and put outfits together including panties and socks so she can put her entire outfit on all by herself. She knows that each bag contains a whole outfit and she knows it’ll match. But she still got to put them together with me so she gets to be creative and learn about colors and style etc. The best of both worlds!
Honestly, even if she wasn’t opinionated and changing herself, it’s helpful to me to have all her clothes all matched up and in outfits so I can grab and go! So easy!

Do you have an opinionated toddler that loves to be independent? Dress themselves? Do you think something like this could help?? Share with me if you try it!