Wheather your hustle is living a healthy lifestyle, photography or owning an online boutique, we all have SOMETHING that we gave up a little bit (or in my case a lot but). I took a break from THIS very blog when I got pregnant and I’m so happy to be back. This is my creative outlet, a place where my tribe can gather, all of you! And I need this!

What is the thing that you need? For yourself. Not for anyone else. And how much of that have you given up or “lost your groove” on?
Heres what worked for me and I hope it will work for you too!
Getting My Groove Back Post Baby
1.) First of all, if you’re giving yourself time away for a reason, take that time. And don’t feel bad for it. I took time away to have a baby and take a maternity leave. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t miss it! Something about having a piece of my life JUST for me is so important.
2.) Decide what is important to you. Obviously we know things like your husband or your kids are important, but what about your HUSTLE. If this is important to you, you’re going to have to make time for it. And that brings me to my next action step.

3.) Make a schedule. Make a plan. If I didn’t have my daily schedule, nothing would get done. I’m the kind of person who, if I don’t have a plan, I just putz around and don’t really do anything. When I make a plan, I can efficiently check things off of a list.
I will, however, say that I am not the kind of person who keeps a paper planner. As much as I want to be, I just never ever use it. I always still buy one, but I never write in it. This is a goal for me and my organization actually. For me, I am all about the digital stuff. I write things in my Notes on my phone, put things in a list maker etc. However you need to plan your day, do it.
Time for myself in my day looks a little like this, just as an example for other work at home moms. I work on my online boutique 4 days a week while my Nanny is here. And then in the afternoon, I work on my blog and business page. I usually try to do some type of physical activity OR have some me time and relax during this time too.

4) GET HELP! Whether it’s a nanny who helps just a couple hours a week or your mom who comes over and hangs out. Or maybe a friend brings their kids over so you can watch them once a week and once a week she does the same for you. However it looks for you, use that time wisely!
5) Discipline yourself. If you have a passion for it, you will want to work on it. But beware, you won’t ALWAYS want to work on it. And this is where discipline comes in. Do you think I want to work every single day when the kids nap? No not always. And I definitely don’t want to always get up early to get a head start, but on those days, I still do it and after it’s done, I feel even better. Like I overcame my own laziness. I once read a quote that stuck with me: “All you have to do is show up when everyone else quits.”
It’s not even about being better than the next person. It’s about being the best version of myself . When I don’t want to show up, I do anyway. And then I am my own motivation. It becomes a cycle of motivation! It sounds so cheesy, but there’s a reason it sounds cheesy, because it’s simple but it works!

6) Get in that groove and it will be much harder to lose again. It only takes a few short weeks to create a habit. How can you create that habit? How can you find time every single day to dedicate to your dream?
7) Have fun with it. If you’re not having fun or if you’re not really passionate about what you’re doing, it won’t bring you joy and therefore it won’t last. This thing that is just for you should bring you joy!
8) Stay motivated! Find a good motivational book or a podcast or audio book and keep educating yourself. Keep it going. Once you’re going, you can’t be stopped!
These are all things that helped me get back to myself after baby and I hope they help you get your hustle back, whatever that may be.
We’re talking about our hustle over on Facebook if you want to join the conversation, here is the link!!