Home Decor,  Lifestyle & Wellness

Affordable Cabinets Modern Farmhouse with Lily Ann Cabinets


Let’s talk cabinets. I mean let’s get right to the point that we’re all thinking. Cabinets are so expensive! Building my dream modern farmhouse kitchen was proving to be way too expensive for my budget until I found Lily Ann Cabinets. I ended up cutting my contractors cabinet budget in half! Yes I said HALF!! Finding affordable cabinets can be so hard. Let me show you how you can do it too!


Lily Ann Cabinets is a family owned company based out of Michigan that offers all solid wood cabinets (yeah they’re extremely sturdy) that are half or even sometimes a third of the cost of what another cabinet company would charge you. My discount code is no longer active, but the deals you can get still are 😉

They also have so many cool features, so they really became fun to work with.

I essentially sketched up my kitchen and they created a design rendering with their affordable cabinets like below. It was SO cool to see it go from my silly primitive sketch, to their beautiful design, to real life. The real life photo is posted right below their rendering. Isn’t that so cool?! Maybe I’m a home decor nerd, but when you have a vision, there’s not much better than seeing it come to life! See how these affordable cabinets fit into my plan for minimal farmhouse decor in our new home!




It’s so fun to be in the kitchen and realize what it used to look like. I’ve shared a little before for you just below and don’t forget we had to tear that wall down!

I love all the moments that we share in this kitchen from meals to bracelet making to coloring sessions to girls wine night and more. I love that this has become the hub of our house and there is no limit to the amount of memories that will be created here. I’m so thankful to Lily Ann Cabinets for helping me create my absolute dream kitchen with their affordable cabinets. I can’t believe how far we’ve come and the future in this space is worth every penny!




If you’re in the market for new cabinets, take a look at their website here. They have every type of cabinet design, color, interior organization that you could possibly want. They can design to fit any space! It’s actually pretty cool to see their FREE designers work with the space and ideas you’ve given them to make your vision come to life.

You won’t believe their prices, but I promise it’s not too good to be true! They have other things besides affordable cabinets too, so if you’ve already chosen your cabinets, they have everything else you need to finish your kitchen!

What does your dream kitchen look like?












