Lifestyle & Wellness

How to Homestead with Little to No Land

Homesteading has become increasingly popular over the past few years, as more and more people seek to live a self-sufficient lifestyle and rely less on the current flawed supply chain. However, not everyone has the space or resources to start a full-fledged homestead. We personally only have one full acre. While we’d love more land, there is a lot you can do with what you have – even a small piece of land. Fortunately, there are still many ways to incorporate homesteading principles into your life, even if you don’t have a lot of land. In this blog post, we will explore 10 ways you can live more of a homesteader’s life, no matter where you live. I want to empower you to know that you can homestead with no land (or just a little land).

1. Grow Your Own Food

One of the most fundamental aspects of homesteading is growing your own food. You don’t need a lot of space to grow vegetables, herbs, or even fruits. Container gardening, vertical gardening, and raised garden beds are great options for those with limited space. If you are actually trying to homestead with NO land, you can join a community garden or start a container garden on your balcony or patio. So much can be grown with little space.

2. Preserve Food

Preserving food is another essential homesteading skill. Whether you’re canning, dehydrating, or fermenting, there are many ways to preserve food and extend its shelf life to live a more sustainable lifestyle. This can save you money, reduce food waste, and help you eat healthier, seasonal food all year round.

Here are some of my favorite preserving things & resources for learning!

3. Homestead with No Land by Raising Animals

Raising animals is not always an option for those living in urban or suburban areas, but there are still many ways to incorporate animals into your homesteading lifestyle. You can raise chickens for fresh eggs, bees for honey, or even small animals like rabbits for meat. Can’t raise your own animals because you’re actually a homestead with no land? Try bartering – use what you have to trade for frozen meats from other homesteaders.

4. Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Making your own cleaning products is an easy and affordable way to reduce your environmental impact and live a more sustainable lifestyle. You can use simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils to create effective, all-natural cleaning products for your home. If you’re not ready to jump into making your own products, at least switch to non-toxic products! If you’re totally overwhelmed by that, I’ve created a full Non-Toxic Living guide that you can grab on sale here!!

5. Use Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a key component of sustainable living. If you own your home, you can install solar panels or wind turbines to generate your own electricity. If you rent or live in an apartment, you can still use renewable energy by purchasing green energy from your utility provider or using a portable solar charger for your electronics.

6. Compost

Composting is a simple and effective way to reduce food waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. You can compost in a traditional bin, use a worm bin, or even compost on your balcony or patio using a small compost tumbler. Speaking of worms, maybe you even want to start a worm farm to sell to other homesteaders. This is perfect for starting a homestead with no land!

7. Cooking from Scratch: My Favorite Way to Homestead with No Land

Cooking from scratch is another essential homesteading skill. By preparing your own meals, you can save money, eat healthier, and reduce your environmental impact. You can also experiment with different cuisines and ingredients, and learn to make your own bread, pasta, and other staples. Welcome to the “dark side” where we cook our own food more than we eat out. Oh, and we make our own sourdough too!

8. Reduce Waste

You can reduce waste by using reusable bags, water bottles, and food containers, composting food scraps, recycling, and buying products with minimal packaging.

9. Learn New Skills to Homestead with No Land

Finally, homesteading with no land is all about learning new skills and being self-sufficient. Take a class, read a book, or watch a tutorial to learn a new skill, whether it’s gardening, preserving food, or making your own soap.

Living a homesteading lifestyle is not just for those with large plots of land. There are many ways to incorporate homesteading principles into your life, no matter where you live. By growing your own food, preserving food, raising animals, and learning new skills. Homestead with no land or little land and watch how your lifestyle becomes moreself-sufficient.

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Where to Next?

Get the Full Guide of Wellness Swaps for all your personal care products. My entire list of Non-Tox/Low-Tox products that will help you quickly clean up your home from toxic chemicals in your personal care products.

Get an update of what’s going on on our farm: spoiler alert WE MOVED!!!!! Watch the full video below!

how to homestead with little to no land


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