Looking to grow on LiketToKnow.It/RewardStyle and monetize your influence? Start here to gain followers & start to grow your affiliate sales. I don’t have a million followers on my LTK, but I’m consistently creating content that brings in commission. Whether you’re just starting out as a blogger or you’ve been influencing full-time for awhile, these best practices I’ve learned on LikeToKnow.It will help you grow a larger audience and a larger income.
Psst… not monetizing LTK yet? No problem – check out this post on getting started.

Use What You’ve Already Got
LTK is basically its own social network, but don’t worry about starting from zero. You already have an audience, but in order to make more sales on LTK, you just need to get them over to your LTK profile. Start by following other bloggers that you already have connections with (or ones you’d like to connect with) in your LTK app. Make sure you’re sharing LTK posts to your Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter feed.
Educate Your Other Followers to Grow on LikeToKnowIt
Gauge your current followers: do they know what LTK is? Do they want to use it? Educate your audience on how they can shop your looks and recommendations. I usually do this by including a sentence or two in my captions and stories about what LTK is and how to use it. Or, I tell my followers to ignore the LTK information and shop as usual – that way, anyone who is against joining RewardStyle OR downloading another app can still shop my commissionable links. Make sure your LTK bio is informative as well. Potential followers will want to know what your style is and what kinds of products to expect from you. Keeping them educated will help you make more sales on ltk!
Keep It Consistent
Like any other platform, you’ll want to post consistently on your LTK profile. I recommend posting at least three times per day, and space them out a bit if you can. Create a content calendar to guide your graphic creation and photoshoots. Another tip to keep your feed consistent is to schedule your posts in advance. This way, you can sit down when you’re motivated and ready and cut down on how long it takes to produce a week’s (or month’s) worth of content. Furthermore, LTK’s feed is chronological, unlike Instagram’s. So the more often you post, the more eyes are likely to see your content!
Draw Them In & Grow Your Affiliate Sales
When people arrive at your profile they’re going to see your most recent posts, so make sure you’re putting your best foot forward when it comes to eye-catching images! Are you someone who takes all their own photos? My advice is to set aside a day where you feel good (for me, that’s Sunday) and plan an hour or two to get some great shots of yourself and/or your home space. Are you someone who uses product screenshots religiously? That’s not a problem! Think about how you can present these stock images creatively – can you incorporate your aesthetic anywhere? Could you put an outfit together using product shots (anyone remember Polyvore)?
Keywords, Keywords, Keywords!
Because the app is built for shopping, LikeToKnow.It is an SEO-heavy platform and works like a search engine. What does that mean? LTK values descriptive captions, and the more information you put in your post, the more likely your post will show up in someone’s search results. Every time it shows up in search results, that helps you make more sales on ltk! You can use keywords in formulated sentences or simply use a pre-prepared list of relevant hashtags. If you’re having trouble coming up with keywords, think about other ways to say the same thing. For example, #dresses leads to #maxidresses, #sundresses, #pasteldresses, and even something like #summerfashionfind.
Keep in mind that building your LikeToKnow.It profile can – and probably will – take time, just like any other platform. To see how I grow my LTK on Instagram, click here! Don’t get discouraged if things don’t change overnight. Remember, consistency is key!
Ready to turn social media into a side hustle or full time job? Learn other ways to make money as an influencer besides sponsored posts!
