• Social Media & Business,  Uncategorized

    Use This Quick Tip to Land More UGC Brand Deals

    When you started your IG or TikTok, you may not have known immediately that your creativity and courage to post was one step closer to monetizing your account and now you’re ready to land more UGC brand deals… You made it here today, and it’s not something to brush off. Take a moment and congratulate yourself on such an incredible achievement – you deserve it. Now, you’re at a point in your business as a creator where you want to take the next step and start monetizing your talent – maybe that means more opportunity or time to do things you enjoy outside of work… Whatever that means for you, securing long-term…

  • Uncategorized

    How to De-Clutter Your Closet for Spring

    As some of you know, we’re in a crazy leeway time here at the Entsminger house. We were told just before our lease ended (and we planned to renew) that we would have to move because the owners were moving back. SO here begins our story. We went house hunting, by the grace of God found an amazing place that we actually paid below asking on (which never happens in San Diego) and now here we are. We are adding a bedroom, doing yard work, getting the house in order and both somehow making our businesses work in the midst of it all. Craziness I say! This has left our…