• Lifestyle & Wellness,  Motherhood

    The Best Toddler Formula? My Honest Review of Aussie Bubs

    When your baby turns to toddler and they’re not nursing anymore, it starts to become really nerve racking to try to get them all the nutrients you know they need. Did I get him enough protein? He played harder today, so did he get enough nutrients? What about minerals? Does he need minerals? It’s a lot right? And you don’t want to do something wrong because you know their little growing bodies need so much. This is why I knew I wanted to try a toddler formula. I’m going to share my comprehensive Aussie Bubs™ toddler formula review to give you insight into the product before trying it! (This is…

  • Motherhood

    How to Organize Clothes for a Picky Toddler

    We have officially entered the 3 going on 13 stage of toddler-hood and this little girl absolutely loves clothes! She loves shopping for them, picking them out, making outfits, changing outfits, re-changing outfits, and of course dressing like a princess. What she really wants is real make up and nail polish, but I said no on those, so we compromised on always letting her pick out her own clothes. This only became a problem when she started coming down the stairs in absolutely insane outfits that she knew didn’t match, but she wasn’t sure why they didn’t go together. So we made a plan! And it has really been working…