• Home Decor,  Motherhood

    50 Gender Neutral Nursery Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind

    When I saw those two pink lines for baby number three, I knew that this time around I was going to be on team green. That means I was going to need an adorable gender neutral nursery that I would be able to add feminine or masculine touches to as soon as I knew the gender! I compiled this list of gender neutral themes for your nursery while I was doing my research. Knowing that we weren’t going to find out the gender on any of my ultrasounds was so hard, but so worth it!! Note: This blog post contains some affiliate links. If you shop using my links, I…

  • Home Decor,  Lifestyle & Wellness

    Girl Nursery Ideas: How to DIY Beautiful Pinterest-Worthy Nursery

    When we found out that we were having a little girl, I started to see frills and tutus and flowers and all kinds of girly things fill my Pinterest boards. Not having a girl, click here to get nursery inspiration for a little boy with our son’s nursery. Here’s the thing, making a Pinterest-worthy nursery doesn’t have to be expensive! You don’t have to buy every single accessory you see to make one of these girl nursery ideas come to life. You don’t have to it the most expensive rocking chair that reclines and vibrates and serves you dinner just because that one blogger did it. You can DIY your…

  • Home Decor,  Motherhood

    Boho Nursery Inspiration: Easy Gender Neutral Nursery Guide

    Grayson’s nursery is one of my favorite rooms in the whole house, so I’m surprised that it took me this long to write about it! It’s so peaceful and calming. I looked at lots of baby boy nursery inspiration and ideas. When I didn’t find anything I really loved, I knew I had to create a boho nursery with safari details so I could inspire others! I love the green accent wall and the black and white boho vibes, all the plants (even if they are fake haha), everything about it screams boho safari to me. I knew I wanted to do something with a kind of adventure boho vibe,…