• Social Media & Business

    How I Grew My Instagram from 1k to 23k Followers in One Year

    Picture this: I’m a stay at home mom who has a lot of business experience, but really doesn’t want to go to work in the real world. I want to stay at home with my babies, but I know that I need to be making some money not only to support my family, but also because I need that brain stimulation. I have the desire to create something that is my own. I made the decision to pursue blogging and influencing as a career. Now, I know the word “influencer” can be a 4 letter word to some people, but hear me out. We all have influence. If you are…

  • Social Media & Business

    Gain Massive Following by Knowing Your Target Audience

    THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING YOUR TARGET MARKET Let me tell you a little story about my target market and how it has drastically affected my growth as an influencer. And sharing a little 1:1 coaching testimonial at the end. A year ago, I had no clue what I was talking about, who I was posting for, why I was posting and how I was serving my followers. I had no clue what I should be posting. That anxiety of “I need to consistently post, but I have no clue what to post” was so real. Every day. Or at least most days. Does that sound like you at all? I…